Health Care Institutes
Kalutara District is situated in Western province of Sri Lanka. It has a total population of 1,291,903. The female population is 666,768 and the male population is 625,135. This population distributed in land area of 1,598 The population density is 811 per sq. km. Kalutara district is bounded by Colombo district from North, Galle district from South and Ratnapura district from eastern. Western boundary of Kalutara district lies on the west coast of Sri Lanka, with a coastline of approximately 32km. The major river of Sri Lanka, namely Kalu Ganga flows across the district.
The average temperature ranged between 24 Co – 30 Co. the annual average rain fall to Kalutara is 3260mm, with the bulk of the rain falling during South-West and North-East monsoons. The lowest annual rain fall 1600mm reported in the coastal region of the district and highest 4280mm reported towards the inner boarder indicating heterogeneity among division. Heavy rain fall may give rise to floods especially around the basins of the Kalu Ganga.
Under the 13th amendment of the Constitution of Sri Lanka, devolution was carried out vesting most of the powers to the provincial councils. In Western province, the Health Services Statute No. 08 of the year 2000 was introduced to provide for the establishment of a Department of Health Services and to provide for the proper continuance of the essential services for promotion and preservation for health of the of this province and to provide for all matters connected and incidental there to. The Governor of a province represents the president of the country. Chief Minister who is politically appointed takes decisions with the Board of Ministers in consultation with the Governor. Minister of Health the Western Province executive officer in the Ministry of Health, holding responsibility to ensure that the provisions of the Statute are implemented. In instances where there is no Minister or an Acting Minister, the secretary may exercise the power of Minister under the statute on the advice of the Governor.
Provincial Director of Health Services is of the Provincial Department of Health Services and shall function under the supervision and direction of the secretary. Under him are the three Regional Directors of Health Services for the three districts namely Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara who shall be responsible to the Provincial Director of Health Services for the provision of health services in their respective districts. The Head of Institutions, namely Medical Superintendents, District Medical officers, Medical officer in Charge, Medical officers of Health and Registered Medical officers function under the their respective Regional Director of Health Services.